Recruit agents, manage your brokerage, close deals, and increase revenue. RBO works for Brokers.
- Manage Clients (listings & buyers)
- Track Transactions
- Calculate Commissions, Splits, Deductions, levels, …
- Store Documents
- Request Documents from Agents, Clients, …
- Checklist of To-Do Items
- Handle Leads
- Assign Leads to Agents
- Handle Referrals
- Revenue & Sales Report
- Print 1099
- Pending, Closings, & Past Due Date
- Login for Agents, let agents enter their transactions & documents

Know your numbers, deals pending, closed and pipeline potentials. See what is new this week. What’s expiring. What has expired.
Which agents are making the goal. What are your actual profits after expenses. How many transactions sides did your office close this month.
National Association of Realtors confirms that brokers who use technology & systems report higher revenues. Automation is key to growing your brokerage.